About me

 Although pictures are worth a thousand words, I try to describe myself best with my surroundings: my thoughts on the virtual paper. And although I am at a loss for words, I wanna give you an impression of what, how and who I am. My life turned into a rollercoaster full of new impressions which will influence my further entity. WHO AM I? I am a shy girl trying to find her sense of life and climbing the social ladder by breaking new ground. Writing my thoughts means a lot to me as it is a means to prove myself doing the things I love: writing, beauty, fashion, being helpful and nice with everyone around me and living every day like it's my last. Sometimes my life is a mess and things don't go according to my plan.. but oh well, this means to live. HOW AM I? The best description I could probably give: I am off my trolley, addicted to superficial side of life, sensitive and kind, humble by nature but shallow by choice, sometimes a bit goofy and geek, but also determined, ambitious and I know exactly what I want but not yet how to get it. WHAT AM I? "To be or not to be" - is this really the only way to characterise oneself? Because then, I probably would be a "in-between" of almost everything. An ascending soul more than a stereotype, more committed than ever to make my life beautiful and with several interests than just a favoured issue. And though I am not perfect, I am perfect enough to be a person off the beaten track. And this is all that matters in the end. Any thoughts for me?  


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